Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do You Put Off Shoplifter Vibes? You Might Be Surprised.

Who exactly calls the attention of undercover Loss Prevention Agents while shopping?

Every time you enter a large retail store there are usually 1 to several people in the store that are paid just to watch you and everyone else.  Whether it be through their high-tech camera systems or a gap in the shelf, they are watching. But who exactly are they watching?

First, let me say that there is not one particular type of person that shoplifts. I have arrested people from every combination of age, race and gender. Don’t believe me? Okay, let’s pick an “unlikely one”. 75 year old Asian woman that stole just over $1000 worth of clothes. (I would tell you how she did it, but that is another article). So now that we know that every type of person steals, let’s get to it. Here is a top 5 list of who and what Loss Prevention looks for:

#5 Teenage Guys:
Full of testosterone, influenced by peer pressure and wanting free stuff, teenage guys are an obvious target for Loss Prevention. Let's face the fact that young people make dumb decisions all the time. Teenagers often don't have a lot of money but want a lot of things. This is a recipe for theft and an obvious target for LP Agents.

#4 Senior Citizens:
Surprised are you? Don't be. In my career, I have arrested at least a dozen shoplifters that were older than 85. The elderly often think that nobody is watching them. It is for this very reason that a lot of LP Agents will indeed focus in on grandma and grandpa. The elderly are often not very slick in their theft methods. Often times they do not have very much income. This combined with the fact that they will not likely try to flee or fight makes them a quick and easy stat to add to the weekly numbers.

#3 People with Baby Strollers:
One thing that stands out in my mind from when I was very first being trained in Loss Prevention is the phrase, “Everyone with a baby stroller steals”. Clearly not EVERYBODY with a baby stroller steals, but many many do. My very first shoplifter indeed concealed merchandise inside of her baby stroller.

 There are a few main reasons that people with strollers steal. a) People with cute innocent babies often give off innocent vibes. Who would steal while with a young child? The answer is a lot of people. b) People often store a lot of their own possessions in their strollers. This can make it hard for Loss Prevention to figure out what they took from the store and what they walked in with. If they can't prove that the merchandise belongs to the store it is a lot harder to prove a theft. c) The biggest reason of all is that strollers offer a lot of spaces to hold things. These spaces are designed to conveniently close, concealing items inside while walking. All the person needs to do is set an item on the open compartment, close it when nobody is looking and they are good to go.

#2 Drug Addicts:
You may be thinking, "How would you know if somebody is a drug addict or not?". Unfortunately when an addict is so desperate for money that he or she enters a store to steal, they generally are in pretty bad shape. This does manifest into physical appearance. Combine appearance with the fact that they target items that can easily be re-sold on the street, and you have them pegged. It is sad that they are in their current state due to an insatiable addiction. However, it is our job to prevent loss and not be counselors. Therefore, addicts are always being watched by LP Agents.

#1 Teenage Girls (and young women):
Congratulations, ladies. You are likely the most watched person type out of everybody. This is because you are NOTORIOUS for stealing make-up, hair accessories, tampons, douche kits, condoms, pregnancy tests, Urinary Tract Infection treatments, clothes (especially bras and underwear) and jewelry. This wide array of items makes you an easy target for Loss Prevention Agents. In addition to the fact that you are likely being watched regardless of what you are doing, here are a few enhancers that really call attention to you:

a) You are carrying a huge purse: This is for obvious reasons. If your purse looks empty this will increase LP interest even more. It may also increase your chances of getting caught. (See my article: Top 10 ways Shoplifters Get Caught).

b) You are wearing a lot of make-up: Let’s face it, this looks ugly. People that make the poor decision to walk around with unattractive amounts of make-up will likely make the poor decision to steal things (usually more make-up).

c) You have dyed hair: Especially if it is blue, green, purple, bright red, or any extravagant color. This shows that you are willing to go against social norms and make gutsy choices that a lot of other people would not make.

d) You are with a group of friends: There is strength in numbers. People often feel less afraid to break the rules when they are with other people. When I see a group of teenage girls come into the store with no parents, believe me they will get my undivided attention until the second the walk out the door. This is partially because I might get multiple stats at once therefore boosting my numbers and making the rest of my week much more relaxed.

e) You are in a high-theft section of the store (i.e. cosmetics, jewelry, feminine hygiene, intimates): Loss Prevention generally watches everybody that comes into thigh-theft sections of the store. However, you as a teenage girl will call a lot more attention (Especially if you combine your age with the factors listed above).

Contact: Questions and comments can be sent to me at ShoplifterPro@gmail.com

**Disclaimer** I am not an attorney. I have many years of Loss Prevention experience. Nothing on this website is to be interpreted as legal advice. The content of the website is purely informational. Neither I, nor does anybody involved with ShoplifterPro, condone shoplifting or any form of theft. If you commit theft you will eventually be caught, and prosecuted. Do not do it.